07773 246837

Alamy Search

As the senior designer at Alamy, one of my first projects was to improve the search interface. The old version was cluttered, filtering was clumsy and took a lot of space, and the page wasn't responsive (ie suitable for mobile or tablet view). Overall, searching needed to be more user-friendly with less intrusive filters; the SEO had to be improved, and the images needed to be larger. I worked closely with the marketing, sales and technical teams to understand the business requirements, then produced wireframes, user flows, designs and prototypes. I guided the offshore development team throughout so that the end goal was clear at all times. The final product was very well received by stakeholders and customers, and contributed to increased traffic and sales, and fewer customer support calls.


Creative lead, UX & UI designer, iconographer, managing stakeholder expectations, IA, dev support, UAT.

Tech Used:

Photoshop, Illustrator, Axure


UI & UX, Branding, Imagery, Marketing

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